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Wednesday, 13 August 2014


                   SECOND YEAR STUDENTS



Have you ever had a problem with the front door bell or not? Are, I am boring old buzzer. When used with directly AC line.Danger of leakage power in the heavy rain. And, doorbell quality is very expensive. I think we try to make yourself better, strange sounds a unique. Cheap equipments. And high performance. Because we have Choose circuit.


Water level indicators let people know how much coolant or water their radiator can access. They are useful when fixing cooling system hose leaks. Water level indicators can also indicate if there is a slow leak.

                                  THIRD YEAR STUDENTS


 When letter drop by someone into the letter box then the LED attached at the output stops blinking which indicates that there is a letter in your letter box. To identify the presence of a letter in the box we have connected a LDR as well as source of light. LDR is a special kind of resistor whose action based on the intensity of light declining on it. In the time of total darkness LDR resistance is approx 1 mega ohm while at the time of bright light its resistance is 2-5 ohm. In this circuit the light source is adjusted with the LDR in such a way that the light will directly drop on the LDR so that when any letter comes inside the letter box it will chunk the light beam and LDR will be beneath darkness.


 This is the same temperature sensor that is included in our Sparkspan Inventor'sKit. The TMP36 is a low voltage, precision centigrade temperature sensor. It provides a voltage output that is linearly proportional to the Celsius temperature. It also doesn’t require any external calibration to provide typical accuracies of ±1°C at +25°C and ±2°C over the −40°C to +125°C temperature range. We like it because it’s so easy to use: Just give the device a ground and 2.7 to 5.5 VDC and read the voltage on the Vout pin. The output voltage can be converted to temperature easily using the scale factor of 10 mV/°C.

                                             FINAL YEAR STUDENTS 


 Here is an interesting electronics project to detect if there is raining or not. Same circuit can also be used as water level indicator or as a tank overflow indicator.


Good thing about this circuit is that the user needs to push the button only ones : To turn the light on. The light will turn automatically OFF after some time, since the switching OFF mechanism is timer based. Also note that the "push to on" switch is used here, this should be momentarily pushed to turn the light on.

When "push to on" switch is pushed, pin-2 gets a negative pulse, and the timer gets triggered. Due to this C2 connected with pin-6 and pin7 starts charging slowly. After some time, when the voltage across C2 goes above 2/3 Vcc, the timer stops working and the light turns OFF automatically. Duration for which the light will be ON depends upon the R5 value. The Zener diode Z1 and C1 combination is used here to provide constant 12V DC for IC-555. Diode D1 is used so that the capacitor C1(providing power to the IC) gets only positive cycle for charging.

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